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Holy Moments Reflection (Second Week of Advent)

Dear Holy Family,

I hope you are enjoying your Advent season reading of Matthew Kelly’s Holy Moments.  In my continued reading, the way Matthew describes the impact on our lives that our choices have prompted me to reflect.  He urges that we make “easy” choices, ones that are powerful and will have a positive impact.  (For me, some of those choices haven’t always been easy!)  As we await the coming of our Lord this season, perhaps we can glance back at our lives and reflect on the choices we’ve made -- the ones that we are rightly proud of, ones that we cherish, ones that hold the seeds of goodness.  As Matthew points outs, those are our Holy Moments!  He cites the choice made by the Good Samaritan as a shining example of such a Holy Moment, and then challenges us to ponder: are our hearts inclined toward the needs of others?  Or are they leaning away from others?

Do you have a reflection from Holy Moments to share?  Please visit our Holy Family blog, Points of Light, and join the conversation. On our parish website, click on “Points of Light” at the top of the home page. 

May His kingdom come,  


PS - If you didn’t receive a copy of Holy Moments and would like one, please let me know.  We may have you covered!


  • BobPosted on 12/22/22

    Hi, Steve. Thanks for the insight! I agree about the unseen impact of what we do. I like what Matthew Kelly's spiritual mentor told him: "You will only ever see less than one percent of the impact you have on people's lives. Reflect on that whenever you get discouraged." I need to remember that and be content with the idea that whatever Holy Moment I might do, I'll likely not see the 99% of its impact. That's actually a reassuring thought!

  • Steven HumbletPosted on 12/13/22

    With every book I read I'll dog ear pages of reference, things I want to read again. Often a personal fault I'm working on. After page 20 I realized this was creating a problem that would eventually fold the book in half. So I resorted back to a pen underlining. This makes it hard for the wife to co-read and with some books this can open some interesting insite to my personality. Most of it she already knows but one can still stir a conversation now and then.
    But all that's off target. Back to the point, one of many and helpfull take aways for me (page 106) is the unseen impact of what we do. The smallest gesture of kindness or thought can create a ripple effect one will never know. In a world of keeping score not realizing the impact of what you do can be discouraging. Everything we do we keep a score card be it sports, the stock market, the checkbook etc. Offering Holy Moments needs to reside outside of all that with no score board to reference. It doesnt apply here.
    We all remember that one negative thing that happened today and how we dwell on that and not the other 100 posative things.
    I know one Holy Moment can do just the oposite. Have faith, it does.
    It just doesnt get the press the negative things do.



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