8950 Cty J, Woodruff, WI 54568



The Circle of Women holds its meetings on the third Thursday of the month, September through May at 1pm in the parish hall. The Circle hosts luncheons, a Christmas Party, Bingo, Morning of Reflection, along with other informative meetings. Proceeds from its annual spring and fall rummage/bake sales enabled us to award scholarships to parish college students and to support various local, regional and international organizations. The Circle brings comfort to parishioners who have lost loved ones by serving funeral luncheons. All women of the parish are invited to join in the fellowship of our group.


The Respect for Life Committee, embraces the seamless continuity of God's gift of Life, based on pope Francis's message, "Open your Hearts to Life." The Respect for Life Committee of Holy Family is developing an overall vision for the parish. We gather and offer information that promotes understanding and awareness of all aspects of the Gospel of Life. We provide opportunities for prayer that focus on current life issues including but not limited to poverty, hunger, abortion, mental illness, human trafficking, and community disasters or emergencies. By increasing awareness we will see those around us in new ways and with renewed respect, mercy and love. (hearts for life)


The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal order of Catholic men started in 1882 and has over 2 million members. Membership requirements are Catholic men over the age of 18 years and a commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Knights are involved with our church through donations for community projects, supporting seminarians and are dedicated to helping our youth. Our council, Fr. Dodge Council 7827, has been awarded numerous citations of accomplishments over the years. From highway clean-up to candy drives to pancake breakfasts to youth sporting contests, the Knights have been there. Stop by Classroom 10 in the lower level of Holy Family Catholic Church and see some of the numerous accomplishments the Knights of Columbus have achieved. The Knights of Columbus work hard for you and the community.

For additional information (click to view or download):

Informational flyer – Highlights many typical activates and donations of our local council.

Membership Application – A printable form used as one method of joining the Knights and also used for other membership transactions.

Knights of Columbus scholarships  - This scholarship is open to Holy Family Parish post high school students who have: Successfully earned 30 credits towards an Associate or Bachelor’s degree at anaccredited institution. Or are: Enrolled in a technical program requiring at least 10 credits at an accredited technical college or technical institute. You must be enrolled for the ensuing year

Members or prospective members can also check the Knights of Columbus State Council website at Wisconsin State Council (uknight.org) or the Supreme website at Knights of Columbus | Catholic Fraternal Organization (kofc.org).   Prospective members can join online by clicking the join button on the Supreme website.     

For more information please contact any of the following: 

Grand Knight, Ken Lubich 703-473-4183 (cell) or kjlubich@gmail.com

Financial Secretary, Mike Heppe 715-356-1411, 715-892-4597 (cell) or mheppe@frontier.com

Membership Director, Steve Humblet 715-892-1740 (cell) or gofish4@gmail.com


Secular Franciscans dedicate themselves to follow the gospel of life through the example of St. Francis of Assisi. These lay men and women become a professed Franciscan in a journey that involves three formation stages and culminates in a lifelong commitment to live the gospel life.

Orientation (3 months) introduces folks to the lives of St. Francis and St. Clare and share in Franciscan prayer life.

Inquiry (6 months) is an in-depth study of the lives of St. Francs and St. Clare, the Franciscan Charism and Franciscan history.

Candidacy (18-24 months) is the final formal period of initiation. As an immersion into fraternity life, it culminates in a most Solemn Profession to follow the gospel life.

All are welcome to attend the meetings on the third Monday of the month at 9 a.m. in Classroom 7. For more information contact Cathy Wiechering at 715-780-0485.


The group reads and discussed the Sunday Scripture readings.  Group members share leadership duties. Holy Family Bible Study meets on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 1:00 every week. Contact: Rick Schwai (715) 301-0634


The prayer chain is a group of people who promise to pray for people who ask for prayers.  The chain starts by calling a prayer coordinator.  That person starts the chain. They call a person in their prayer group, then that person calls another in the group and so it continues until all members of the group are contacted. The coordinators names and phone numbers are listed in the Sunday bulletin.  Anything that needs prayers can be submitted; like sickness, job situations, family problems, a crisis of faith, dying, poor souls, etc.  It has to be done by phone because these  things are personal and need to be kept confidential. New members are always welcome to join prayer chains. Contact: Phyllis Jalinski (715) 356-9891