A few weeks before major holidays, greeting cards for parishioners who are ill, bereaved, or unable to attend Mass are made available for parishioners and visitors attending liturgy to sign. Children are encouraged to add their names. Cards and postage are provided by the Knights of Columbus and their spouses.
“Thank you to the card ministry of Holy Family Parish, for all the cards they sent during the year for our mother. Our mother passed away on September 18. I just wanted you to know how important your card ministry is to the home bound. Mother enjoyed every card and searched the name to see who signed her card. She especially would enjoy to see a child’s printed name, like artwork, each signature. Packed in each card, along with your signatures and prayers, unknowingly, you sent along many smiles that magically appeared on my mother’s face when she opened and read each card.
Upon cleaning out our mothers house, saved along with all the cards from her children were your cards—cards received from Holy Family Parish. For those who don’t take the time to stop and give one minute of your day to sign a card, I hope you will now reconsider. Please know that each recipient prays for you too!
God bless your parish.”
Sandy Danczyk (sister of Holy Family parishioner, Beverly Dvorak)
A letter that was recently received about the Card Ministry. We have the writer’s permission to publish.