8950 Cty J, Woodruff, WI 54568

Browsing Points of Light - Blog

Advent Season Reading: Holy Moments

Dear Holy Family,

As we process through the period of preparation for the celebration of our Lord at Christmas, I thought it may be helpful to provide a resource to help us reflect together during this special time in the liturgical year.  Following the Masses of the first weekend of Advent (November 26/27) we’ll be distributing complimentary copies of Matthew Kelly’s Holy Moments book.  (We purchased a limited number, so we ask that you take one book per household.)  Holy Moments is subtitled “A Handbook for the Rest of Your Life”.  The book is a quick and very easy read.  I hope you’ll find it to be a simple and practical way to reach into your soul-potential.  Each week during Advent, I’ll provide a thought or two from the book in this blog.  I hope you’ll join me in conversation along this Advent journey of exploring by sharing your own holy moments here.

In the Peace of Christ,

Bob King

Parish Administrator


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